Chiropractors, 446.02 (6)
Interior designers, 440.969
Minors in permanent foster homes, 786.37
Notice published, 786.37
Commercial paper:
Misspelled name, 403.203
Signature, liability, 403.401
Cooperative association, use of term, penalties, 185.94
Corporate, 180.0401 to 180.0403
Change or discontinuance, filing, 134.17
Foreign, 180.1506
Use to obtain credit, 134.17, 134.18
Credit union, limited use of, 186.03
Legislative change, IV, 31
Societies, lodges, registration, 132.16
Trademarks, generally, Ch. 132
For detailed analysis, see Trademarks
narcotics NARCOTICS
national and community service board NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE BOARD
Creation, membership, 15.105 (24)
Powers and duties, 16.22
national forests NATIONAL FORESTS
Boundaries, state approval, state jurisdiction, 1.055
County income, distribution to towns, 59.25 (3) (m)
national guard NATIONAL GUARD
national parkways NATIONAL PARKWAYS
Generally, 84.105
natural areas preservation council NATURAL AREAS PRESERVATION COUNCIL
Creation, membership, 15.347 (4)
Duties, 23.26, 23.28
General provisions, 15.09
natural death NATURAL DEATH
natural gas NATURAL GAS
natural resources department NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT
Generally, Ch. 23
Administrative hearings, generally, 227.43
Adopt a river program, 30.265
Aerial photo survey of state, 23.325
Aid, see Grants and assistance, under this subhead
American Indians, recreational vehicles, reciprocal registration exemption, 23.35
Appropriation, 20.370
Capital improvement debt authorizations, 20.866 (2) (ta) to (tz)
Program balances, revenues, 20.9045
Authority and duties of dept., 23.09, 23.11
Conflicts of interest, 23.125
Direction and supervision of department by, 15.34
Boards and commissions, 15.345
See also Bridges
Construction and maintenance, permit, 30.123
Fees for permits and approvals, 31.39
Hydraulic engineer, employment of, 31.29
Local projects, notice to department, 84.11 (3)
Municipal construction, 30.1235
Private, across navigable waters, permit, supervision, 31.23 (3)
Standards, 84.01 (23)
Chronic wasting disease management, 29.063
Commercial fishing board, 15.345 (2), (3)
Conservation congress, 15.348
Construction and service contracts, 23.41
Councils, 15.347
Creation of department, 15.34
Culverts; permits, exemptions, 30.123
Dams, see Dams
Deer farms, see Fish and Game
Direction and supervision of department by board, 15.34
Disclosure of personal information, 23.45
Economic development programs:
Goals and accountability measures, 23.167
Reporting requirements, 23.169
Electric utilities proposals to construct bulk generating facilities:
Permits, procedure, near waterways, 30.025
Permits needed, dept. to provide listing, 196.491 (3) (a)
Emergencies, disasters, department duties, 23.09 (4)
Employees, injury on duty, 230.36
Environmental compliance audit program, 299.85
Hunter mentorship program for children, 29.592